Classwize Chat FAQ

This article is for Teachers.

This topic answers common questions about Chat and provides troubleshooting advice for common problems.

How do I turn Chat on and off?

Teachers can enable Chat anytime during an active class session. It will automatically turn off when the class session ends. You can reopen chat messages from previous sessions when you restart the class. Follow these steps to turn chat on and off.

What do my students see when they receive a Chat message?

Students will have a small chat button icon on their Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge browser window. Clicking on this will open up Chat. When a teacher messages a student, the chat window will appear on the student’s screen. They will need to select their active class. The student will see the message and will have the option to reply.

Why can't I see the Chat text box?

Your screen resolution may need to be higher. Classwize requires a minimum full-screen resolution of 720p. If you wish to view Classwize in a smaller browser window, try zooming out your screen.

Can my students contact me 24/7?

Students can only message you via Classwize Chat while your class is in session, and you have toggled Chat on. Classwize chat automatically disables itself outside school time so students won't be able to contact you outside of school hours.

If your student is in another teacher’s session, your student won’t be able to message you and you won’t be able to message them.

Why is my student not replying to me?

There are several different reasons why your student may have yet to reply to you.

  • The student may not be using a Chrome browser: Two-way Chat only works on devices with a Chrome browser and the Connect extension installed.

    Contact your school's IT support for more information about the Connect versions used at your school. If your student is using the Connect for Chrome extension on their managed BYO device, contact your school’s IT administrator for help.
  • The student hasn’t signed in with their Google account: Students who haven’t signed into their Google account won’t be able to see your messages or reply.
  • The student hasn’t clicked on the notification: Your student may not have seen the chat alert or may be ignoring it. You may have to let them know it is you via another channel.

Can chat sessions be monitored or seen by another person?

If the class has more than one teacher, all teachers of that class will be able to see all chat messages sent between teachers and students.

School Manager users with the Owner/Global Administrator permission can also sign into any Classwize class and see chats between teachers and students, but cannot chat with students.

Can I access chat logs?

All chat sessions are logged and time-stamped by your school and may be kept for up to 12 months. Contact your school's IT Support to request copies of Chat logs. See Requesting Classwize Chat Logs.

Can I set up group chats with multiple students?

Classwize Chat does not support group chat.

Can I send files to my students? Can I add pictures or screenshots to chat?

You can’t attach files to Classwize Chat.

Will chat work in Monitoring Mode classes?

No, Classwize Chat and all other interactive tools are disabled for monitoring mode classes.

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