This article is intended for IT Support.
The Issue
When teachers log on to Classwize, some or all class tiles are missing from their My Classes dashboard.
Known Causes
The most common reasons why some classes do not appear on teachers’ My Classes dashboard are:
- The teacher has not been added to the Teachers group in School Manager or synced as a teacher in the authentication service.
- There are restrictions on what classes the teacher can view.
- The teacher was manually added to a synced class, then removed when Classwize synced.
- The teacher was manually removed by the local class owner.
- Check if the teacher has been assigned to the class in School Manager.
Go to School Manager > Configuration > Classwize > Classrooms and open the relevant class.-
If the teacher has been assigned to that class, their name will appear on the Teachers list under Teachers and Students. Go to step two.
If their name is missing, add them to the class as a teacher:
Synced class: Make the changes within the SIS or authentication service, and then sync with School Manager.
Local class: Select the Teachers field, then search for and select the teacher’s name. Select Save.
- Check if the class appears for the teacher. If not, go to step two.
Check if the teacher is a member of a teachers group.
Teachers don’t have access to Classwize classes unless they have been configured as Teachers locally in School Manager or synced as teachers from the authentication source or SIS.-
Go to Configuration > Users and Groups > Users
Search for the teacher and select them from the results.
Find the Group Membership heading and make a note of any groups listed.
Go to Configuration > Classwize. Compare the teacher’s group memberships to the groups listed in the Teacher Requirements > Teachers field.
If the teacher is a member of at least one group in the Teachers field, go to the next step.
If the teacher is not a member of any group in the Teachers field, add them to a group. You can add them to either a synced group or a local group. Check if the class appears for the teacher. If not, go to step three.
Check if teachers can see classrooms that they don’t own.
The Membership and Ownership settings determine if teachers can see all classrooms at the school, only classrooms where they are the primary teacher, or any classroom they participate in.-
In Configuration > Classwize, go to the Teacher Requirements heading and find the Membership and Ownership fields.
If Membership is checked and Ownership is not checked, go to step four.
If you have any other combination of Membership/Ownership settings, contact Linewize support.
Check if there are regex restrictions on which classes teachers can view.
Check if there are provider restrictions on which classes teachers can view.
Still in the Classrooms heading, find the Select Providers field.
If the field is empty, contact Linewize support.
If the field has an entry, check that the Provider matches the source from where your Classrooms sync. If not go to step six.
Contact Linewize Support if the teacher still can’t see one or more classes.
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