Turn on Monitor Only Mode Classrooms

This article is intended for IT Support and Classroom Administrators.

Monitor-Only Mode Classrooms (Monitoring Classrooms) are a special type of local classroom that can be used to monitor students’ online activity without interacting with them. Monitor-Only Mode allows schools to give selected Teachers and wellbeing staff, view-only access to student screens as they participate in classrooms throughout the day.
Monitoring Classrooms differs from other classrooms in some important ways:

  • You can run Monitoring Classes at any time during the school day. They are not automatically active all the time.
  • All Class Tools are turned off, except Modifying Students.
  • Creating or modifying Classwize Rules is turned off.
  • Monitoring Classrooms can have a maximum of 50 students.
  • Teachers can create as many Monitor-Only classrooms, but we suggest keeping it to a manageable number.
  • There is no limit to the number of teachers that can be added to a Monitoring Class, but when too many teachers view a student's Live Screen at the same time, it may result in performance degradation.
  • A teacher can start only one monitoring class at a time. They will get an alert when they start a new monitoring session while another is active.

Enabling Monitor-Only Mode Classes 

To enable Monitor-Only Mode classes, you need to:

  1. Create or sync users in School Manager.

  2. Create or sync a Monitor-Only Mode group.

  3. Enable the Monitor-Only Mode feature and add the Monitor-Only group.

Step 1: Creating or Syncing Users in School Manager

Step 2: Creating or Syncing a Monitor-Only Mode Group

  • Go to Adding and Managing Groups for instructions on creating groups in School Manager.
  • If your school uses an authentication service, like LDAP, Google Integrations, or Microsoft Entra ID, or School Information Service, like Wonde or OneRoster, create your Monitor-Only group in the service and then sync your data in School Manager.
  • Go to our Authentication page for instructions on configuring your service and syncing your school’s data in School Manager.

Step 3: Enabling the Monitor-Only Mode feature and Adding the Monitor-Only Group.

  1. Go to Configuration > Classwize.
  2. Under the Teacher Requirements section, add your Teacher groups to Monitoring Users.


    Monitoring Classrooms cannot be created by teachers and other users unless their groups are added to the Monitoring Users section.

  3. Under the Classrooms section, enable the Allow Creation checkbox.
  4. Under the Features section, select Modify Students in Class from the Features drop-down.
  5. Select Save.


You can Sign in as a Teacher in Classwize and create a Monitoring Mode classroom. You can also invite Monitor-Only users and Teachers with full Classwize access to your Monitoring Class. See Adding Monitor Only Mode Classrooms for more information.

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