Start and End Unscheduled Classes

This article is for Teachers.


You can have a maximum of 100 students per class or 50 students in a Monitoring class.

Unscheduled classes are Classwize sessions that you manually start, end or extend. They differ from scheduled classes in that scheduled class sessions will begin and end at times you have previously set.

Your school or district sets specific hours during which you can start, end, or extend sessions. For example, if your school has set the hours from 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM as school time, you can only start, schedule, or extend a class within these hours. Contact your school's IT Support if you need to run sessions outside usual school hours.

Start a class


The class rules you've created apply each time the class is in session, whether scheduled or unscheduled.

  1. Open the class you want to start from the My Classes dashboard.
  2. On the class toolbar, select Start Class.
  3. On the Start Classwize Session dialog, enter when you want the class to end.


  1. Select Start. The session will start immediately and the Class until button will appear on the toolbar.


Consider scheduling a recurring session if you manually start a class on the same day and time for multiple days.

End an unscheduled class

You can manually end an unscheduled class even if it has already started. To end a local class early:

  1. Select the End Session button on the class toolbar.

The session will end immediately and you will be redirected to your My Classes dashboard. Changing the unscheduled class’s duration.

You can change the duration of an unscheduled session even when it has started.

  1. Select Class until on the class toolbar.
  2. The Edit Classwize Session dialog will appear. Enter the new time in the In session boxes. You can select an earlier or a later time.
  3. Select Save. The session will now end at the new time.
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