Adding Monitor Only Mode Classrooms

Monitor Only Mode classes are a type of Local classroom that allows you to see student activity without interacting with the class using Class Tools or Rules. Monitoring Only Mode is an optional feature your school or district can enable for specific teachers.

Monitoring Classes differ from other classes in some important ways:

  • All Class Tools and Rules are disabled, except Managing Students.
  • Monitoring Classes can have a maximum of 50 students.
  • You can start only one monitoring class at a time. You will get an alert when you start a new monitoring session while another is active.

Creating a Monitoring Only Classroom

  1. Sign in to Classwize.
  2. On the My Classes dashboard toolbar, select Add Class. 
  3. Enter a Class a Name.
  4. Toggle the Monitor Only Mode toggle.


    You can customize your Classes dashboard to best suit your preferences.

  5. Select Save.
  6. Add the students to the class. 
  7. (Optional) Customize your My Classes Dashboard to pin, hide or rename your Monitor Only Mode classes.
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