Chat with students during a class

This article is for Teachers.

Chat is an optional feature your school's IT Support can turn on to let you communicate with students directly during an active class. You can turn on Chat in Classwize to message your students or let your students message you.

Supported Class types

You can use Chat in these types of classes:

  • Google Classroom
  • Clever Classroom
  • OneRoster Classroom
  • Wonde Classroom
  • Classlink Classroom
  • Local Classrooms

Classwize greys out the Chat button on unsupported class types.

Using Chat

Classwize prompts you to set your display name when you first access Chat. You can change your display name at any time.

There are three ways to access the Chat panel:

  • On the class toolbar, select the Chat button.
  • On the student tile, select the speech bubble icon.
  • In Live View (Windows Companion Mode and Chromebooks only), select the Chat button.

1. Turn Chat on

In the Chat panel, toggle Chat on. When you turn Chat on, students will see a chat button on their screen that lets them start a chat with you. 

Image 1: Chat toggle inside the Classwize Chat panel.

Turning Chat off automatically closes any open Chats with students, and the chat button on student screens will disappear. When the class ends, Chat automatically turns off.

2. Sending and Receiving Chats

When you send a chat to a student, the Chat will open in a popup window with your message. When a student sends or responds to a chat, a red dot will appear on the Chat button in your class toolbar and their Student Tile toolbar.


Classwize may ask students to sign in the first time they use Chat. The student must select Sign in with Google using their school account and select Continue on the permission request prompt.

To send a message to a student:

  1. In the Chat panel, select the student from the list to open a Chat.


    You can use the Search bar to find students by typing at least three consecutive letters from their name.

  2. In the Type a message field, enter the message you want to send to the student, then press Enter/Return on your keyboard or select the Send icon.

Classwize Chat logs

If you need chat logs in case of an incident, Contact your school’s IT Support to request them. Classwize stores up to 12 months of chat logs.

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