Use the Classwize List View

This article is for Teachers.


List View may not be available for students using unmanaged BYOD Windows or macOS devices. If you can’t see student activity in List View, contact your IT Support to check if List View is suitable for your school’s IT configuration.

You can use List View to change the view of your student tiles to a list of their open tabs and websites to check what content your students are accessing in the background. You can switch between Screen view to List view to check your student’s activity during your class.

List View on Connect for Chrome

Student tiles will show a list of open Chrome tabs with the active tab at the top. When a student opens or views another tab, it moves to the top, while inactive tabs are listed below in alphabetical order.

You can view a student’s tab by selecting its title on the student tile. List View will not show any open applications on your student’s device.

Chrome devices list view.png
Image 1: Connect for Chrome: Student tiles showing the titles of the tabs open on the student’s Chrome browsers.

Showing hidden tabs from List view (Chrome only)

Depending on your Classroom layout or screen resolution, Show All will appear at the bottom of a student’s tile. Selecting Show All will display the Open Tabs dialog where you can:

  1. View the list of all open tabs on the student’s browser
  2. Create a Rule for a tab or site
  3. Close the tab


List View on Connect for Windows or macOS

Student tiles for Windows or macOS devices will only show their device names and the names of active windows and applications. It will not show the list of open browser tabs, as Connect for Windows and macOS monitors activities on students’ desktops instead of browsers.

You can close Windows applications by adding Blocked rules for web and desktop applications, or prevent students from opening native apps, (for example, Notepad, Calculator, or Windows Media Player) while your class is in session.

Windows devices list view.png
Image 2: Connect for Windows/macOS: Student tiles showing the device names, usernames and the titles of active windows.

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