Setting Up Teachers’ Access to Classwize Reports

This article is intended for IT support and classroom administrators.

Classwize has reporting functionalities that allow teachers to analyze their students' online activities. The Student Journey Report generates a comprehensive report of a student’s browsing history, while the Screenshot History Report lets teachers create and download screenshots taken of students’ browsing history.

Only authorized teachers can generate these reports. You can give access to Classwize Reports in three ways:

  • Allow all teachers to access Reports (default)
  • Allow some teacher groups to access Reports
  • Block some teacher groups from accessing Reports

Before You Proceed

Before setting up Teachers’ access to Classwize Reports, you need to configure your Reporting time period and groups in School Manager. 

Create a Time Period 

See Configuring Time Periods for instructions.

Add Teacher Groups

Add Teacher groups who can access reports, or add groups that are blocked from accessing this feature. See Creating Classwize Teachers for instructions.

Set up access to Reports

  1. In School Manager, go to Configuration > Classwize.
  2. Select Reporting.
  3. Select the teachers you want to give access from the Reporting dropdown. Choose one of the three options:
All teachers with Classwize have to reporting All teachers with access to Classwize can create reports. This is the DEFAULT setting.
Allow only the below groups to access reporting Select the teacher groups that can access Reports in Classwize. Other Teachers using Classwize will not have reporting access.
Block the below groups from accessing reporting Select the teacher groups you want to block from reporting. All teachers using Classwize except those in the selected group/s will have access to reports.
  1. Select SAVE.


Are all reports enabled?

Both Student Journey Report and Screenshot History Report are available to all schools when reporting is enabled. 

Is the Screenshot History Report available on all devices?

The availability status of the Screenshot History Report is as follows:

Device Type Connect Chrome Extension Connect for Windows  Connect for macOS
Availability All users

All schools

All schools
Compatibility Connect 2.1.6 and above

Connect 3.6.2 and above

Connect 3.6.2 and above
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