Classwize Glossary

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  K  L  M  N  O P  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 


Active Class

A class that is currently running or in session. 

Active Tab

The browser tab that the user or student is browsing.

Active User

A user who is currently active in the school network and whose status indicates "Active" in School Manager.


A Cyber Safety feature that triggers alert emails when a student attempts to open blocked sites or content or triggers red flags.

Allowed Rule

A rule that allows access to a signature, category, content, or search that is normally blocked by the school


A class tool that a Teacher uses to send one-way messages to the class.

Anonymous Proxy

A connection to a computer relaying data between the user and a destination website. Often used to stop the detection of the user’s activity by posing as an outside computer.

Authenticated Group

A group that was configured in School Manager through a third-party authentication services (e.g., LDAP, Google Integrations, SIS, Microsoft Entra ID).

Authentication Service

An external service or platform for identifying or authenticating users, as well as synchronizing user data.


Background Tab

A browser tab that is running in the background. Also referred to as Inactive Tab.

Blocked Rule

A filtering rule that blocks access to a site, page, content or search results.

Blocked Page

A page that appears on the user's screen when an online activity that they are attempting to complete has been blocked by the school or by their teacher.

Blocked Rule Only Mode

A rule creation mode in Classwize which allows teachers to create Blocked Rules only.Enabling this feature for a school stops teachers from creating Allowed rules in Classwize.

Bulk Account Creation (BAC)

Importing parent and guardian data by a CSV file into School Manager. This lets parents and guardians claim the management of a child's BYOD laptop, phone or tablet outside of school hours. Only use Bulk Account Creation when the data cannot be synced from an existing School Information System.

Bypass Code

A four-digit code that allows a user to bypass Blocked rules (except Locked-Blocked).


Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) are laptops and mobile devices that are owned by students and used at school. Schools with BYO policies typically take one of two approaches to how students can use these devices at school: Managed BYOD or Unmanaged BYOD.


Captive Portal

A page that requires registered users and guests to sign in to connect to the school network. Guests can be required to register and agree to the terms and conditions before using the network.


A Classwize feature that enables teachers and students to send and receive instant messages while their class is in session.

Class Tile

A box representing each class on the Classwize Dashboard.

Class Tools

A set of tools that help teachers manage their classes, allowing them to open sites, modify students, send announcements, pause the internet, focus student browsers on specific resources, and generate bypass codes.

Classroom View

A Classwize page that shows all the students in a class. This view lets teachers start, extend or end a class; manage a class using Class Tools; create filtering rules; and send instant messages to students.

Classwize Class

Digital version of a class of students.

Classwize Dashboard

The Classwize landing page appears when a teacher logs in to Classwize. The Dashboard shows all the classes a teacher is assigned to or has created.

Classwize Rules

Rules that teachers create in Classwize for their classes or students to block or allow content.

Companion Mode

Companion mode is a type of configuration that uses the Connect for Windows app and the Connect extension together to allow access to more School Manager and Classwize features on Windows devices.

Connect App

The Linewize Connect application for Windows or macOS.

Connect Extension

The Linewize Connect extension or plugin for Google Chrome.


Date Picker

A calendar widget for selecting a day or a series of days when generating reports or data. Also referred to as Date Selector.

Device Type

Refers to the Chrome, Windows, or Mac device that a student uses. Device Type is indicated by its relevant icon on the student tile.


Fallback Mode

A filtering state that automatically activates when a user's computer has a poor internet connection. The user's device will be blocked from accessing high-risk adult content based on a block list stored on the user's local Windows, macOS, Chromebook or iOS device. The blocked and allowed Fallback activity will be uploaded when a good internet connection is available.


A class tool that allows teachers to restrict students' internet access to particular websites, categories, or pages.

Focused Session

A session in Classwize where students can only open the sites or pages that their teacher has given them access to. Classwize will block any attempt to access any other online resources.


Help Center

An in-app or on-screen feature in Classwize that provides instant access to help articles and guides. The Help Center panel appears on the screen when the user selects Help on the menu bar.

High Availability Requirements

Networks, servers, and services designed for continuous operation without downtime.


Inactive Tab

See Background Tab.

Invitation Code

A four-character code that a student can use to join a local class permanently or a synced class temporarily (or until the class syncs again).

IP Address

An Internet Protocol address assigned to each network connection on a device to identify where to send and receive data.



A word(s) that a user types in to find information on the Internet, the local network, or a device.


List View

A view where student tiles display a list of the web pages that are open on students' devices.

Live Stream

A broadcast of video or audio over the Internet in real-time

Live View

A Classwize feature that displays the student's desktop screen or active browser tab in real-time.

Local Class

A class that was created locally within Classwize by a teacher.

Locked Allowed

Content is allowed and can always be accessed, even if a Block rule has been created for it.

Locked Blocked

Content is blocked and can’t be accessed, even if an Allow rule has been created for it. Users and Teachers cannot override this rule by using a bypass code, classroom rule or reward.

Locked Policy

A filtering policy created in School Manager that either allows or blocks certain types of connections permanently. Locked Policies cannot be overridden by Classwize Rules and always take priority over other rules.


MAC Address

The Media Access Control (MAC) address is a unique identifier assigned to the network hardware built into a device. Devices with multiple network connectors (for example, wired Ethernet and WiFi) will have a different MAC address for each network interface.

Man In The Middle (MITM)

Man In The Middle is a monitoring tool sitting between users' devices and websites. MITM runs in Connect on your user's device to filter internet traffic. After MITM inspects search content or web addresses, Connect allows or stops users from connecting to the website.

Managed BYOD

Managed BYOD is an approach to allowing BYO devices at a school where students provide the device, usually selected from a list of approved devices, but the school has administrator rights to the device to install software and enforce school policies. See also: Unmanaged BYOD.

Message (or Send Message)

A tool that allows teachers to send one-way direct messages to students. This feature is accessible on the student tile toolbar.

Mobile Device Management (MDM)

A system of software and rules used to manage phones, tablets, and laptops. Often used to deploy software, extensions, and settings. Can be used to lock the users' ability to change settings, install or remove software.

Monitor Only Mode

A classroom mode for monitoring classes or students. 


Multi-tenancy is a software architecture where a single software instance can serve multiple, distinct user groups. Software-as-a-service (SaaS) offerings are an example of multi-tenant architecture.



A user's device is not connected to a school network protected by School Manager


A user's device is connected to a school network protected by School Manager.



The lawful or natural parent of a child. This includes adoptive parents, and in some jurisdictions may also refer to a child's legal guardians.

Principle of Least Privilege

School Manager contains sensitive information which requires extra security and care to protect the privacy of your school and users. The principle means giving any user account or process only those privileges which are essentially vital to perform its intended functions. 

Provider or Provider DN

In School Manager's user configuration, this field indicates a user's authentication method (or "Distinguished Name" in a "Lightweight Directory Access Protocol" format). "Local" is refers to manually added users. The detailed identity codes are displayed if the provider is a third-party system or SIS integration like LDAP, Google, WMI, etc. Refer to the School Manager Authentication guides.



An option in Content Filtering block rules. Turn on to temporarily block users from all internet traffic for 3 minutes when they attempt to access blocked content like VPNs.


Safe Search

Safe Search is a feature offered by search engines like Google and Bing that helps filter out explicit content from search results. It provides a basic layer of protection against inappropriate material.

Safe Guard

See Fallback mode.

School Auto Enrolment (SAE)

An option that allows the Connect for Windows or macOS agent to automatically enroll as the current authenticated user on the student device.

School Information System (SIS)

A student and school data management tool such as Wonde, OneRoster or ClassLink. Linewize products can authenticate and sync with a SIS (School Information System) and authenticate students through a Captive Portal, Google, Microsoft Entra ID, and LDAP.

School Manager

The network and content filtering management program that school IT administrators use to configure Classwize features, access, and filtering policies.

Screen Share

Share your screen with one or more students during an active Classwize class. You can share your Chrome Tab, Window or Entire Screen.

Screen View

A type of Classroom View where student tiles display screenshots of students' active tabs or desktop screens. When a screenshot is selected, Classwize displays the student's Live View

Screenshot History Report

The Classwize Screenshot History Report is a feature that lets teachers generate and download screenshots of their students’ browsing history from the last 14 days.

Search Query

The word(s), string of words, or phrase that a user enters into a search engine to look for information.

Secure Socket Layer (SSL)

A protocol used by computers to verify and encrypt data being requested, sent or received. 

Shared Device

A school-managed device or computer used by multiple school users.

Shared Parenting

In Community, a shared parent shares control of their child’s internet activities.


Signatures refer to websites, applications, games, search keywords, IP addresses, ports and groups of websites. See Introduction to Signatures.

SSL Onboarding

A School Manager feature that checks if the device has installed the SSL certificates when it connects to the school network.

Student Journey Report

A reporting feature in Classwize that allows teachers to create reports about their students’ online activities. The report gathers data from students' activities only while they are in an active class.

Student Tile

   A box representing each student in the Classwize Classroom.

Synced Class

A class type that is created by synchronizing data from a third-party authentication platform or School Information System (SIS)


Teaching Mode

A class mode that gives teachers full control of their class. See also: monitoring mode.

The Onion Router (TOR)

Apps or services used to transmit and receive internet data anonymously by routing messages through a decentralized, random network of computers.

Third-Party Authentication

In School Manager, it refers to external services used to identify, authenticate, and/or configure users (example: LDAP, Microsoft Entra ID, Google Integrations, WMI, SIS, etc.)


Unauthenticated Device

A device not authenticated or linked to a user in School Manager

Unmanaged BYOD

Unmanaged BYOD is an approach to allowing BYO devices at a school where students provide the device and they (or their parents) retain administrator rights for the device. The school may or may not choose to install software or enforce school policies on the device, and, particularly for unmanaged macOS devices, may be unable to. See also: Managed BYOD.




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