Managing Students in a Class

This article is intended for Teachers.

In Classwize, you can easily add or remove students from Local classes to reflect who is present on the day. The process differs slightly for active and inactive classes.


To manage students in an active or inactive class, you need the appropriate permissions. Contact your school's IT Support for assistance.

Managing Students in an Active Class

An Active Class is a class that is currently in session. See Starting, Changing and Ending a Session for more information.

Adding students to an Active Class

  1. On the class toolbar, select CLASS TOOLS > Modify Students. The Modify Students dialog will appear.
  2. In the Students field, start typing the student’s name.


  3. Select the student’s name from the matching results. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to add more students.
  4. Select SAVE.
Contact your school’s IT Support if you can’t find the name of the student.

Removing or Deleting students from an Active Class

  1. On the class toolbar, select CLASS TOOLS > Modify Students.
  2. Select the X next to the name of the student you want to remove.
  3. Select SAVE.


Managing Students in an Inactive Class

Adding Students to an Inactive Class

  1. On the My Classes page, select the Class Settings icon for the relevant class tile.


  2. The Class Settings dialog will appear. Search and select the name of the student in the Class Membership field.
  3. Classwize will show matching names while you’re typing. Select the student from the list.
  4. Select SAVE.
Contact your school’s IT Support if you can’t find the name of the student.

Removing or Deleting Students From an Inactive Class

  1. On the My classes screen, select the Class Settings icon (spoke) on the relevant class tile.
  2. The Class Settings dialog will appear. Select the X next to the name of the student you want to remove from the class.  
  3. Select SAVE.

Troubleshooting & FAQ

I don’t see the Modify Students option.

Modify Students is an optional feature and may not be enabled by your school. See Classwize Feature Availability for more information.

Can I add or remove students from a synced class?

Yes, you can add or remove students from a synced class, but any changes you make will only last until the next time Classwize syncs. For synced classes, we recommend adding students at your school’s source of truth for student data (e.g. Google Classroom or a Student Information System), which will then sync with Classwize. Contact your IT Support for help.

I removed a student, but they are still in the class.

  • You may need to refresh your Classroom page after removing the student.
  • Check if your class is a Local class. If the class is a Synced class, your changes may have been undone when the class synced or your school administration changed the class. Contact your school’s IT Support if the problem continues.

I added a student to my class, but they’re still not there.

  • You may need to refresh your Classroom page after removing the student.
  • Check if your class is a Local class. If the class is a Synced class, your changes may have been undone when the class synced or your school administration changed the class. Contact your school’s IT Support if the problem continues.

I can’t add students to my Synced class. What should I do?

Not all schools allow teachers to modify synced classes. You should ask your school’s IT Support or student administration to add the students to your class from their end.

I have added a student, but they’re not being affected by my rules.

  • If the student is a member of another Local or Synced class that is still running, they may be affected by the rules of the other class. You may need to contact the teacher of that class and ask them to end the class.
  • It can take a few minutes for Classwize to adjust to the change, especially if the student was in another class. Wait a few minutes and refresh the page and see if the problem resolves.
  • If you’re certain that the student isn’t in any other classes, you can also try to stop and restart your class.
  • If you’ve tried to resolve this problem and it’s still not working, there may be a syncing issue. Please speak to your IT Support if the problem continues.
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