Classwize Resource Center Overview

This article is for Teachers.

The Classwize Resource Center gives you access to News and Announcements, Quick Links, Classroom Tours and Help Center articles without leaving Classwize.

To access the Classwize Resource Center:

  1. In Classwize, select the Classwize Resource Center icon at the bottom left of your screen.

01 Classwize Resource Center Icon.png

Image 1:  The Classwize Resource Center icon.

  1. The Classwize Resource Center window will appear with these options:
    1. News and Announcements: Stay updated on new releases, features and announcements.
    2. Quick Links: Access essential Classwize guides.
    3. Classroom Tours: Explore walk-throughs and tutorials.
    4. Search the Help Center: find help articles.
  2. To close the Classwize Resource Center, select the down arrow icon.

If you don't see the Classwize Resource Center icon, speak to your school’s IT Support.


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