Send announcements to your students during class

This article is for Teachers.

The Announcement tool lets you send one-way messages to all students or specific students in your class to share updates, instructions, or reminders.

Use Announcement

Image 1: Send a class announcement window

Send an announcement to all students

Steps to send an announcement to all students during class:

  1. In an active class, select Class Tools, then select Announcement.
  2. In the Send a class announcement window, enter your message.
  3. Select Send.

Send an announcement to a specific student

Steps to send an announcement to a specific student:

  1. In an active class, on the specific student tile, select the Announcement (megaphone) icon.
  2. In the Send message to window, enter your message.
  3. Select Send.

What students see

Depending on your student’s device or browser:

  • Chromebook devices
    The message appears at the top of the active Chrome window and stays visible until the student closes it or switches tabs. Multiple messages display in the order sent.
  • Other devices and browsers, including Companion Mode
    The message appears as a pop-up in the centre of the student's screen and remains until the student selects OK.
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