Set a Focus Plan for multiple classes

This article is for Teachers.

1. Create a Focus Plan

  1. On the Classwize Dashboard, Select Focus Library and the Create Focus panel will open.
  2. On the Create Focus panel, enter a descriptive Name for the plan.
  3. In the Resources field, enter the resource you want students to focus on, then select it from the dropdown.

Image 1: Create Focus panel showing the Resources search field

  1. Select Save Focus to save it to your library, or Save & Create New to save it and create a new Focus plan.

2. Set the Focus Plan

  1. On the Classwize Dashboard, select the class for which you want to set the Focus Plan.
  2. On the Classroom toolbar, select Class Tools, then Focus and the Focus Library panel will open.
  3. Select the Focus Plan from the list, then select Preset Focus (Class not active) or Apply Focus (Class is active).
  4. Repeat this process for every class you want to use the Focus Plan.
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