Prepare Rules before starting a class

This article is for Teachers. 

Setting up base rules for a class before it starts is good practice. The rules you create will only apply to that specific class, can be modified at any time, and take effect only while the class is active. You can create and test rules beforehand, allowing you to troubleshoot and adjust as needed.

Prepare Rules before starting a Class

You can create basic allow or block rules, and stage them so you can manually turn them on or off at the right time during the class.

In this example, we are going to use the New York Times Signature. You should block the New York Times Signature, but manually turn it on when the time is right. To do this:

  1. Sign in to Classwize.
  2. Select the Class to which you want to add rules.
  3. Select Rules to open the Class Rules menu. If there are existing rules for the class, they will show in the Class Rules list.
  4. Select Create Rule if your class has no existing rules, or + New Rule if there are existing rules. This action opens the Add new rule window.
  5. Search for the New York Times Signature, select Blocked and specify if this rule should apply to individual students or the Whole class.
  6. Select Add Rule.
  7. When the time is right during an active class, open the Class Rules menu, find the New York Times Rule and select Allowed. The rule will take immediate effect.


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