Importing Classrooms with School Manager

This article is intended for users with the Classroom Ed-Tech Manager permission.

This article explains how you can set up and manage imported classrooms. This article also discusses naming convention recommendations and troubleshooting steps.

Naming Conventions

Before creating or importing any classrooms, we recommend agreeing on a standardized naming convention. This can help easily identify each classroom, especially in larger schools. We recommend using a format similar to the one below:

[Year] - [Term] - [Grade] - [Subject Name] [Class Number]

2021 - Term 1 - Grade 5 - English 2

Importing Classrooms with a CSV file

Formatting your Classrooms CSV

You will need to create a CSV using the format in the table below.


Do not include the column titles in your CSV.
Do not include spaces.

  • user: must match the user’s username in School Manager (e.g. steve.johnson)
  • class: the class name (e.g. classroom1)
  • is_owner: set true or false
    • True: this user is a teacher
    • False: this user is a student

In the following example, the CSV will create two classrooms: classroom1 and classroom2.

  • The user oscar.moore will be the teacher of multiple classes (classroom1 and classroom2).
  • The user steve.johnson will be a student in multiple classes (classroom1 and classroom2).
user class is_owner
oscar.moore classroom1 true
oscar.moore classroom2 true
steve.johnson classroom1 false
steve.johnson classroom2 false

Importing your Classrooms CSV

  1. Go to Configuration > Classwize > Classrooms.
  2. Select Import CSV.
  3. Select Upload Classrooms.
  4. Select Import.

Importing Classroom Schedules with a CSV

Formatting your Schedule CSV


Do not schedule a student
When using schedules, please ensure a student is never scheduled to be in two classes at once.

You will need to create a CSV using the format in the table below.

  • class: This is the class name (classroom1)
  • day: The day of the schedule (mon)


Valid days are mon, tue, wed, thur, fri, sat and sun.

  • sched_start: The start time of the schedule (0815)
  • sched_end: The end time of the schedule (0945)

Valid times are 4-digit times in 15 minute increments from 0000 to 2345.


Do not include the column titles in your CSV, as it will cause an error. Also, ensure all data is filled in lowercase and does not include any spaces.

class day sched_start sched_end
classroom1 mon 0815 0945
classroom2 mon 1115 1200
classroom1 tue 1430 1800
classroom2 sun 1200 1400

Importing your Classrooms Schedule

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Classwize > Classrooms.
  2. Select Import CSV.
  3. Select Upload Classroom Schedules.
  4. Select Import.

Editing Classrooms

Imported Classrooms CSV
Changes to imported classrooms should be made using Classwize. You can edit students, teachers, scheduling and invite codes in Classwize without having to recreate the class. IT administrators can log into Classwize as a teacher to change scheduling.


The CSV imports are not uploading

Please ensure you have uploaded a CSV with the correct format.

I can’t edit the classroom Schedules or Policies within School Manager

You can only edit the Teachers and Students for the classroom within School Manager. To edit the Schedules or Policies, you must open the classroom in Classwize or upload a CSV file with a schedule to School Manager.

I can’t change the classroom name from School Manager.

If you imported a classroom CSV, rename the classroom in the file and re-upload it.

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