Manage Combine Classes

This article is for IT Support.

Classwize lets teachers personalize their My Classes dashboard by combining multiple synced classes into one class. You can also create or delete combined classes on behalf of teachers and see combined classes listed on School Manager’s Classrooms page.


The Scheduling feature will not be available if you Combine Classes.

Finding Combined Classes

To find a combined class:

  1. In School Manager, go to Configuration > Classwize > Classroom.
  2. Search for the combined class in the list.
    • The class Name is the name originally entered by the teacher when the combined class was first combined.
    • The class Provider shows as Combined.


You cannot edit any fields for combined classes. The Classroom Details, Teachers and Students, Schedules, and Policies are all read-only.

Deleting Combined Classes

To delete a combined class:

  1. Use School Manager to sign in to Classwize as the affected teacher.
  2. Split the combined class.

Combining Synced Classes

To create a combined class:

  1. Use School Manager to sign in to Classwize as the affected teacher.
  2. Combine the classes together.
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