Combine Classes

This guide is for Teachers.

Classwize lets you personalise your My Classes dashboard by combining multiple synced classes into one. This makes it easy to find and access the classes you need. You can also split a combined class back into its original classes.


The Scheduling feature will not be available if you Combine Classes.

Combining Synced Classes

  1. On the My Classes dashboard, select Combine Classes.

Image 1: The Combine Classes button.


A maximum of 25 classes and up to 100 students can be combined into one class.

  1. The Combine synced classes window will appear. Select the Class names you want to combine, then select Next.

Image 2: Select the Class name.

  1. Enter a Class Name, then select Combine Classes. A pop-up will confirm the classes have been successfully combined.

Image 3: Enter a Class Name.

Splitting Combined Classes

  1. On the My Classes dashboard, select the Settings icon on the relevant combined class.

Image 4: The Settings icon on the combined class.

  1. The Class settings window will appear. Select Split Classes.

Image 5: The Split Classes button.

  1. The Split Classes window will appear. Select Split Classes. A pop-up will confirm the classes have successfully split.

Image 6: The Split Classes confirmation.

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